Thursday, October 28, 2010

Vegetarianism Will Rot Your Brain

The Captain once spent 12 long years forgoing the pleasures of flesh-eating.

Until today he presumed that his ever diminishing cognitive abilities were a result of his immoderate grog consumption, but now it's clear that it's actually his long, misguided commitment to a meat-free diet that's to blame.

Vegetarians are at an early risk of mental disorder such as dementia and alzheimer's as they develop a Vitamin B-12 deficiency, doctors said here Wednesday.


"Deficiency of Vitamin B-12 can reduce working capacity of the brain and result in progressive memory loss that has an impact on day to day activities," Praveen Gupta, consultant neurologist at Artemis Health Institute in Gurgaon, said in an Interview.

"We see at least 30 patients under the age of 40 every month -- suffering from memory loss and other manifestations due to deficiency of vitamin B-12...."

Forgetting day to day activities, names of familiar people, frequent irritability, panic episodes and depression are some of the common symptoms of the mental disorder.

[Times of India]

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