Thursday, April 28, 2011

Liberals: Not Very Good at Bumper Stickers

Conservatives deploy messages like "I'll Keep My Freedom, My Guns and My Money. You Can Keep the Change" and "My god can beat up your god" as weapons in the bumper sticker war of ideas. The Obama administration is tired of taking the beating, so they've developed this pithy laser to fire back at their adversaries:

“The project of the first two years has been to effectively deal with the legacy issues that we inherited, particularly the Iraq war, the Afghan war, and the war against Al Qaeda, while rebalancing our resources and our posture in the world,” Benjamin Rhodes, one of Obama’s deputy national-security advisers, said. “If you were to boil it all down to a bumper sticker, it’s ‘Wind down these two wars, reëstablish American standing and leadership in the world, and focus on a broader set of priorities, from Asia and the global economy to a nuclear-nonproliferation regime.’”

The umlaut in the word "reëstablish" is a nice Teutonic touch and helps remind voters who Obama's political heroes are.

[The New Yorker] via [Jonathan Chait]

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