Saturday, April 2, 2011

German Feast Ruined As Radiation Lingers On

Just so you know the glass is half full, how great is it that those oil spills are under control? That whole BP mess is gone, everything that's ever been spilled in Alaska is gone. It's all good now. There may be some oil on the bottom of the ocean, but hey, let's just leave it alone and we'll be fine.

This radiation on the other hand is a headache. These poor Germans still can't eat those wild boars. They LOVE those things. This is like the equivalent of Americans not being able to watch baseball.

Some days I just get so bummed out I can't go on. I'm thinking of starting a business to ship some pure wild boars over there to bail them Germans out. A few bad apples doesn't mean they are all bad.

For a look at just how long radioactivity can hang around, consider Germany's wild boars.

A quarter century after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Soviet Union carried a cloud of radiation across Europe, these animals are radioactive enough that people are urged not to eat them. And the mushrooms the pigs dine on aren't fit for consumption either.

Germany's experience shows what could await Japan — if the problems at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant get any worse.

The German boars roam in forests nearly 950 miles (1,500 kilometers ) from Chernobyl. Yet, the amount of radioactive cesium-137 within their tissue often registers dozens of times beyond the recommended limit for consumption and thousands of times above normal.

"We still feel the consequences of Chernobyl's fallout here," said Christian Kueppers, a radiation expert at Germany's Institute for Applied Ecology in Freiburg.

[Associated Press]

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