Sunday, April 10, 2011

Go To The Beach And Find Your Fortune

Maybe it's all just a game, and we're all pawns in the whole thing. That's what I've always thought. Now it turns out to be true. Mother Nature just flips everything over.

Question is, does Mother Nature do this because she is pissed off about the corruption and horror of mankind, or is it just a bitchy thing where she would flip the whole world over anyway, just to be a bitch.

I haven't got it figured out yet. Would you choose to be there in Japan, with the safes washing up in the radioactive water, where you could have a few good years and then die a slow and painful death, or would you choose to be here in the USA, where you could be crushed to death by boredom and indifference? Pick your poison MFs!!!!
There are no cars inside the parking garage at Ofunato police headquarters. Instead, hundreds of dented metal safes, swept out of homes and businesses by last month's tsunami, crowd the long rectangular building.

Any one could hold someone's life savings.

Safes are washing up along the tsunami-battered coast, and police are trying to find their owners -- a unique problem in a country where many people, especially the elderly, still stash their cash at home. By one estimate, some $350 billion worth of yen doesn't circulate.

There's even a term for this hidden money in Japanese, "tansu yokin." Or literally, "wardrobe savings."

So the massive post-tsunami cleanup under way along hundreds of miles (kilometers) of Japan's ravaged northeastern coast involves the delicate business of separating junk from valuables. As workers and residents pick through the wreckage, they are increasingly stumbling upon cash and locked safes.

[Associated Press]

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