Saturday, January 8, 2011

Daily Downers Exclusive - Dogs Can Think!

Every once in awhile the truth is buried in an article and even though the focus is elsewhere, the truth will out! As they say. Look at this one. On the surface it's about how the Nazis were pissed off that this dog did a "heil Hitler" salute. They thought it was some kind of trick, like "roll over" or whatever. The reality is buried in here, because it's like the Martians. If they told people the truth, they couldn't handle it. They would completely freak out!

But here it is. Dogs can think. This dog was not executing a parlor trick. He had analyzed the political landscape and gave his opinion. "Heil Hitler!" The dog was a Nazi! The truth is buried, right here in this article. Of course the Nazis were obsessed with this dog. They KNEW they had seen the truth and were figuring out how to use it for their nefarious ends!

If you have a dog, just imagine what it's thinking right now. What are its political beliefs? What does it think of YOU? Really. Deep down. Can you deal with a world of thinking dogs? You can adjust to this slowly, but please America, start adjusting now, otherwise the dogs are going to get together and take over.

What was the Nazi plan? We need to know this NOW. Right away. Or else dogs will be dressing US up in stupid costumes like the poor mutt in this picture. You think an entire species will forget this kind of humiliation? Not me. This shakes me up almost as much as the zombie thing. What if the dogs go with the zombies? Oh my God. I can't even think about it right now.

Newly discovered documents have revealed a bizarre footnote to World War II: the Nazis' dogged obsession with a Finnish mutt who gave not a howl, but a heil. And, just as absurdly, the totalitarian state that dominated most of Europe was unable to do much about the canine's paw-raising parody of Germany's Fuehrer.

In the months preceding Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union, Berlin's Foreign Office commanded its diplomats in the Nazi-friendly country to gather evidence on the dog and its owner — and even plotted to destroy the owner's pharmaceutical business.

Historians were unaware of the scheme until some 30 files containing correspondence and diplomatic cables were found by a researcher in the Foreign Office archives.

Klaus Hillenbrand, an expert on the Nazi period who examined the documents, called the episode "completely bizarre."

"Just months before the Nazis launched their attack on the Soviet Union, they had nothing better to do than to obsess about this dog," he told The Associated Press.

The Dalmatian mix named Jackie was owned by Tor Borg, a businessman from the Finnish city of Tampere. Borg's wife Josefine, a German citizen known for her anti-Nazi sentiments, dubbed the dog "Hitler" because of the way it raised a paw high in the air, much like Germans greeting the Fuehrer with a cry of "Heil Hitler!"

[Associated Press]

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