Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmastime for Hitler

The Captain is as eager as anyone to put the celebration of the fake birthday of a 2,000 year old insane Jewish carpenter away for another year, but this Christmas card just crossed his radar and it simply cannot be ignored.

The year is 1938, and you’re looking for a suitably seasonal picture for the front of your Christmas cards. A festive image which will convey seasonal goodwill to all humanity.

What could better symbolise those eternal truths than an international peace treaty signed by the two major European powers which had once been at war? And so it came to pass that this Christmas card was produced and exchanged some seven decades ago.


The card was found amongst the papers of Percy Cohen, a prominent Jewish Conservative believed to be a former member of the Conservative Research Department. The signatory of the card, RJ Rosie, may well have been physician to King George VI and HM The Queen. It is not known if the card was an official one or personally commissioned.

Here is the inside of the card:

[Liberal Democrat Voice]

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