Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Scent of Money

You know what money smells like? (OK, most of you probably don't since you haven't worked in years and haven't seen or touched any in recent memory.) It smells like ass, that's what. It's filthy, which is why every cashier with half a brain wears surgical gloves when handling the stuff.

Patrick McCarthy, a vice president of sales at Microsoft, took a break from his day job to create His Money Cologne and Her Money Eau de Parfum, a line of his-and-hers fragrances that are designed to make the wearer smell like a million bucks -- or more, depending on how much you put on.


"I really feel that people who wear this will feel more confident," McCarthy told AOL News. "I got the idea after reading a story about a Japanese study that showed a significant increase in worker productivity when the smell of money was pumped through vents into factories."


McCarthy figures [$35 a bottle is] a reasonable price to pay since smelling like money is sure to give someone confidence.

"We have had quite a bit of positive customer feedback," he said. "I'd like to think that people will use it as part of our economic recovery. I got an order from a serviceman in Afghanistan and sent him a bunch of extra bottles.

"They understand what they're fighting for and a lot of it is money."

[AOL News] via [The Hairpin]

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