And they are trying to warn us! Like the bees. Remember the story about the birds and the bees? Well THIS IS IT MAN! This is it. When the birds and the bees get together, the lions lie down with the lambs and shit like that. All kinds of crazy things happen. The eagles realize without us humans, there will be no one to elevate them to greatness. They will be just one of many birds on a hopeless quest for recognition in a wasted landscape of death and destruction.
What will it take to wake up America? By the time people react and realize what is happening there will be a zombie in every pot and a chicken in every garage. TOO LATE!!!! It's time for you to get the 411 on the 911 that's coming up around 1 tomorrow. Stock up on canned food and grits. This isn't some religious kook giving you a doomsday deadline. I'm giving you a more open ended deadline. So when the end comes, whenever it is, you'll have to say "he knew, that Daily Downers guy, he was right." And I'll be dead. Man that will be great, to be so dead and yet so right.
A pair of bald eagles nesting near the Post Office in Dutch Harbor, Alaska, has taken to dive-bombing customers, in one case drawing blood, authorities said on Tuesday.
The eagles are raising newly hatched chicks for the second consecutive year in a nest on a bluff by the post office.
And for the second consecutive year, they have been trying to chase off people -- apparently unaware that the Postal Service uses a stylized eagle as its logo.
Two people were attacked last week, and one of the eagles swooped down on a patron on Monday, Alaska State Wildlife Troopers spokesman Sergeant Robin Morrisett said.
One of the eagles managed to scratch up its victim, said Morrisett, who is based on Unalaska Island. "I guess it actually drew blood," he said.
Authorities have posted signs and advised people to be careful about their surroundings, but there are no plans to move the nests or fight back against the eagles, he said.
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