Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Boob Bummed As Focus Shifts From Boobs

I have written about J Love before and I will confess to having a crush on her. Wait, I mean I'd like to crush her. Wait, what I really mean is I would like to meet her, and crush her, but only if she doesn't talk. People talk about J Lo and that big butt. They can have her! I'm a J Love man. Every couple of years she threatens to get married and she blows it with her big mouth, yapping about relationships and what she needs and blah blah blah and then you realize why they make movies about axe murderers.

Look at this picture. She was going to pull up her shirt and someone told her not to. She looks so sad. Me too.

Anyway she's got a new show on, "The Client List," and even though it's on TV she is Oscar worthy as a poor woman forced into prostitution through poverty. So why are the folks promoting the show such a bunch of squares? Why would they imagine anyone would watch this show if they were not going to catch the full J Love boob effect? Did they think she was Meryl Streep? Give the people what they want! It would be great if they just focused on her boobs the whole time, like when she's talking it doesn't show her talking, it just shows her boobs. An Oscar would be inadequate to commemorate this.

The lesson here is that people are NEVER happy. You hire the woman with big boobs and then you shrink them down. The people that were in it for the big boobs will be disappointed and the other people, who can understand what they are all about anyway? Come on. Let's all cry freedom and let those things get some air.
Jennifer Love Hewitt got a breast reduction in ad ad for her new show “The Client List” running in Entertainment Weekly.

And she is not happy.

Identical ads for the ‘Party of Five’ star’s new show ran in The Hollywood Reporter and Entertainment Weekly. With one big difference.

The ad in EW had been digitally altered. In the THR ad, and all of the other ads using the image, Love Hewitt is significantly larger up top.

“Somebody sent me a copy of the photograph, and I was like, ‘Um, what happened?” she said on the radio on Friday. “I’m not quite sure what’s going on, but apparently somebody wanted me to have a boob reduction.”

Love Hewitt recently appeared on the cover of Maxim, telling the magazine her assets had served her well over the years.

Apparently someone at EW thought otherwise?


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