Dig a little deeper and she talks about not knowing about wine coolers, and also does not know that having sex repeatedly will get you pregnant, and once she gets pregnant, she reveals her character judgment is awful since the guy she banged repeatedly is a total doofus. She must have thought he was cute or something right? Plus we only have her account. This is what I always tell my wife when she tells her friends bad things about me. "You picked me honey." You only make yourself look bad. Levi said they wouldn't have sex again until they were married. I guess when they "became intimate again" she was blown away by his considerable charm? She was taking birth control pills for menstrual cramps? Not for birth control? And now this brand new person with really good judgment writing a tell all? We're lucky to have her around.
But let's talk turkey. What does this reveal about Sarah Palin? What kind of mom is she? Apparently not the kind of mom that would have a frank talk with her daughter about the facts of life? Did she think her daughter would figure this out for herself? How about the alcohol chat? Doesn't the typical American parent discuss this with their kids? I know my kids practice drinking as soon as they're old enough, and this is a radical concept, but when they go out in the world they are READY! They aren't waking up in the morning wondering what happened.
I'm wondering if Sarah Palin ever talked to Bristol or if she did and Bristol is just such an uppity slag that she did it anyway. Maybe she knew she could milk it all along and she did it on purpose? Will this be revealed in Sarah Palin's tell all? How she really feels about her daughter, knowing she gets drunk on wine coolers and makes it with guys on camping trips, sans condom? No condom talk either? How about STDs? Maybe in Alaska they don't have them.
The most important question - what would it cost to get Trump and Palin to make a sex tape? I know Trump needs money.
From Levi Johnston to Meghan McCain, Bristol Palin has been put off by a lot of people.
In her memoir due out Friday, "Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far," the 20-year-old daughter of former Alaska governor/potential presidential candidate Sarah Palin reveals her true feelings about the father of her son, the daughter of her mother's 2008 running mate, and much more.
The most biting words in the book are reserved for Johnston, Palin's high school boyfriend and the father of her 2-year-old son, Tripp. Palin was drunk on wine coolers when she lost her virginity to Johnston while camping. She writes that she "didn't know that girly flavored wine coolers were just as likely to get you drunk as the hard stuff."
Palin had vowed to wait until marriage to have sex, and when she confronted Johnston about the encounter, he said they would refrain from the act until after saying their vows.
But, Palin writes, they soon became intimate again and she got pregnant with their son shortly after. She writes that she was taking birth control pills at the time to treat menstrual cramps; she went through eight home pregnancy tests before she was convinced of the positive results
Motherhood is a constant theme of Palin's book. Now, though she's made hundreds of thousands of dollars lecturing to young adults about abstinence, she relishes her maternal instincts. While visiting Haiti on a humanitarian trip with her parents, Fox News host Greta Van Susteren and the Rev. Franklin Graham, Palin offered to take home a baby reeling from Haiti's 2010 earthquake.
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