Everyone knows that bees are really smart. Especially a whole swarm of them. Each individual bee may not be that bright, but the swarm as a whole has a brain to rival Einstein. So here they are, trying to alert us and we're just concerned about REMOVING them. If the bees ATTACKED, we would probably make up some story about "Africanized" Killer Bees finally getting up north, but the truth is, they would be trying to sting us into reality and awareness of the plague to come!
I say we bring in some of the talking dogs to communicate with them? Since we obviously can't understand their bee language? Maybe dolphins could help. Overall I get the message. Palin/Trump in the White House, zombie apocalypse helped by talking dogs, Chinese world domination. Do you think it's any kind of coincidence that the bees are in CHINATOWN? Come on. The signs are there. You just have to be open to seeing them.
A Chinatown street was abuzz Monday with news of a strange sort - thousands of bees descended on a block and forced the NYPD to divert traffic.
The swarm of some 15,000 bees was finally captured by an NYPD beekeeper around 5 p.m. after it perched on a streetlight. The incident took place on Mott St. between Bayard and Pell streets.
It is the latest in a spate of bee swarms to visit the city.
Two weeks ago, some bees swarmed a mailbox on Grand Street in Little Italy, DNAinfo reports. And a few days later, another swarm buzzed around a fire escape in Washington Heights.
[New York Daily News]
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